Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Over a Year Later

Well it’s been over a year since my last post.  I last posted on July 19, 2023.  Things are about the same.  I’m still struggling with my mental health.  My depression is bad and my anxiety is through the roof.  My schizoaffective is still rough on me too.  My PTSD is here. My doctor changed my meds so let’s see if these will work out for the better.  

I want to restart my business Hope Angeline Designs.  I make jewelry, hair ties, jewelry boxes and crochet items.  I’m hoping maybe that’ll get me out of bed.  I’ve had the business for a while now where I sell on Etsy.  But I’ve kinda let it fall to the side.  I think I’ve only got one order this year.  Which is sad but my fault because I’ve done nothing to promote it or add any new designs.  So I’m hoping to turn things around for myself.  

I’ve been watching small business day in the life videos on YouTube for some inspiration.  I just want to start over.  I can’t do this anymore.  It’s such a struggle.  If you’re struggling too you’re not alone.  So today is the day I’m gonna start.  I know it’s going to be hard but I’m hoping I don’t give up.  If you have any advice please let me know.  I’d appreciate it.  


Hope Angeline 

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