Sunday, September 4, 2011

I have been a horrible blogger!

I know I said I was going to work on the Thank You cards for the gifts that I got for Bruce before he was born, but with a newborn and a 2 year old it has been very crazy! Every time I would try to sit down and do them, one of the kids would cry, my 2 year old would try to help :/, or I was just so exhausted I would sleep instead. But Bruce is now on a schedule somewhat and sleeping longer through the night. I know the moms out there can relate with me. I feel horrible because I haven't posted on here for what seems like forever and I still haven't finished the Thank You cards.

But I have been thinking of some great ideas for us to do together and where exactly I want my blog to go. So I hope that you will be patient with me and follow me on this journey.


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