Monday, September 28, 2015

T.G.I.M - Motivational Monday

I have decided to do a weekly post on Monday's and it is going to be called Motivational Monday! Many times we look at Monday as a unmotivated day. We do not look forward to it. On Sunday we start to dred Monday. I am very guilty of that. I have spent more Sunday's than I would like to admit dreading Monday.

I no longer want to do that. I want to be motivated by Monday, so will you join me? Let's no longer look at Monday as a dreadful day. Let's look at it has a Motivational Day!

Lately I feel like I am just going through the motion of life. Not achieving my goals. I have came to realize that I am the only one stopping me. There is no else preventing me from achieving my goals but myself. Suffering with a mental illness is hard, there are many days that I just want to give up, and I give into those feelings. But in the long run it is you vs. you. If you do not acheive your goals you have no one to blame but yourself. So let's motivate one another. Let's help each other achieve our goals......

So it is T.G.I.M Thank God It's Monday! What are you going to do today to help achieve your goals tomorrow?

Thank you for stopping by today my Sparkly Friends! Here's to a motivational Monday! Hope your day was AWESOME. Turn in tomorrow for Transformation Tuesday!

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