Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 7: . 3 bloggers I wish I could meet

3 Bloggers I wish I could meet.....well, I am new to the blogging world so I am not sure who I wish I could meet. I do love You Tube and there are 2 vloggers I wish I could meet.
The first one is Shana Emily at https://www.youtube.com/user/ColorblindFitness she does a daily vlog where she takes you along on her workouts and her food preperation. She is going to do a bikini competition here in the next few weeks, and that is something I have always wanted to do, enter a bikini competition. It is actually on my bucket list. She also has a second channel Thrifters Annonymous https://www.youtube.com/user/ThriftersAnonymous where her and her good friend Edwina go to different thrift stores in Las Vegas and look for clothes. I love how they just try on the clothes in the middle of the store and do not care what anyone thinks of them.

The second one is Belinda Selene, she has two channels also. Her first channel is Belinda Selene https://www.youtube.com/user/MissBel01xox she does makeup tutorials, and planner hauls where she buys different supplies for her planner, she also does some DIY's. Her second channel is called Belinda's Life https://www.youtube.com/user/BelindasLife, this is where she vlogs about her life. She is just so energetic and full of life, I wish I could be like that.

The next person I wish I could meet is on Instagram. She goes by Spooksieboo, her real name is Kimmy https://instagram.com/spooksieboo/ She helped me with my depression. Even though we have never meet, I saw that if she could get help then I could. If it was not for her, I do not think I would have made my doctor's appointment. She was so kind to me when I reached out to her to say Thank You. She wrote back and I had a fan girl moment! She is a amazing artist so go check her out! She is just as kind to her followers as well.

I am very exicited to be joining the blogger world. I can't wait to get to know other bloggers! The blogging community seems very open and friendly from what I can tell. I am enjoying the topics that Karissa has come up with.

A Fresh Start

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