Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 5: Something I Never Tire Of

What is something that I never tire of? I thought about this one for a long time. I never tire of going to Thrift Stores. I could go to one everyday if I could. It is just a mixture of different kinds of treasures. You know what they say one many trash is another mans treasure. That is so true. I really enjoy going on my lunch break, I get to walk around and just kind of unwind for a bit before I have to go back. That may sound crazy but walking around the thrift store is relaxing to me. I live here in San Antonio and I have two favorite stores to go to. I love to go to the Texas Thrift Store

and I also love to go to Thrift Town, where I am a member of there VIP Program which is really nice because I get AWESOME coupons emailed to me for example save $5 on a $10 purchase and even save $10 on a $20 purchase. Being a member of there VIP program you recieve 1 point for every dollar spent. Once you receive 100 points you get $5 off a $15 dollar purchse. I recently went to Texas Thrift Store on Good Friday because they had the most amazing sale where everything in the store was 50% OFF! I found so many things. It was one of those days where I got very lucky! Some of my favorite things to find are Hello Kitty, Sanrio anything, Vintage Care Bears, Vintage My Little Pony's and purses. Do you love to go to thrift stores? If so what are some of your favorite things to find??

A Fresh Start

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